Suite 201 – 3440 Douglas Street, Victoria BC V8Z 3L5

Phone: 250-475-7550

Toll Free: 1-800-787-2807   Fax: 250-475-7551

Email: vicmail@bchousing.org   Website: www.bchousing.org

Mission Statement:

Our mandate is to develop, manage and administer provincial and federal – provincial housing and properties.  BC Housing works with non-profit housing providers, co-ops, the private sector and government and health authorities to build and administer subsidized housing.  We also provide services to tenants who currently live in public housing.

Population Served:

Social housing provides shelter for low to moderate income seniors (including frail seniors), individuals with disabilities or special needs, women and children leaving transition homes, families, lower-income urban single adults (Vancouver), and those at risk of homelessness.

Programs & Services:

  • M’Akola Housing – 2060 Laketrail Road, Courtenay BC

      Open only to people of First Nations status.

      To apply call: 250-923-4145

  • Lions Valley View Estates – 1547 Dingwall Road, Courtenay BC

      To apply call: 250-334-3340

  • d’Esterre Gardens – 1584 Balmoral Avenue, Comox BC

      Open only to seniors and adults with disabilities.

      To apply call: 250-339-5011  Monday to Friday 9am – 11am

  • Quadra Gardens – 1742 Beaufort Avenue, Comox BC

      Open only to seniors and adults with disabilities.

      To apply call: 250-339-5011  Monday to Friday 9am – 11am

  • Kiwanis Village – 635 Pidcock Avenue, Courtenay BC

      Open only to seniors and adults with disabilities.

      To apply call: 250-338-8651  Monday to Friday 9am – 11am

  • Independent Living BC (ILBC)

A housing-for-health program, for seniors and people with disabilities who require some care, but do not need 24-hour facility care.

  • Shelter Aid For Elderly Renters (SAFER) 1-800-257-7756

      Monthly payment to low-income seniors, to help with the costs of renting.  Eligibility    

      criteria apply. 

  • Rental Assistance Program (RAP)  1-800-257-7756

Monthly payment to low-income working families, to help with the costs of renting in the private market.  Eligibility criteria apply.  Call for more information.