Mail: PO Box 71026 Laurier West Ottawa, ON K2P 2L9

Site: 150 Gloucester Rd, Ottawa ON K2P 0A6

Phone: 613-230-4663   Fax: 613-230-8223

Toll Free (24 hours): 1-800-668-4663

Email: info@operationcomehome.ca   Website: www.operationcomehome.ca

Hours: Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm EST

Mission Statement:

Operation Come Home prevents homeless youth from becoming homeless adults. Operation Come Home accomplishes this mission by providing homeless youth ages 16-30 with a variety of unique programs and services. Today, Operation Come Home remains the only organization in Canada that reunites youth with their families.

Programs & Services:

  • Travel arrangements to reunite youth with family (parent or legal guardian)
  • Outreach and support services
  • Liaison between youth and parents
  • Crisis intervention to both parents and youths
  • Referral services (local and national)
  • Advocating on youth’s behalf