Home Based Office in Comox Valley: 250-986-7929 or
Home Based Office in Campbell River: 250-204-1566 or
Regional Office: 145-735 Goldstream Avenue, Victoria, BC V9Z 0Y5
Toll Free: 1-888-922-8437
Regional Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30am – 4:00pm and Fridays 8:30am – 1pm
The FPSS Society is a CARF-accredited grass roots organization committed to providing meaningful and accessible support, education and networking services which will enhance the skills and abilities of Foster Parents to deliver the best care possible to the children in their homes.
Working cooperatively with the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) and Foster Parents on Vancouver Island, the FPSS Society provides meaningful education, support and networking opportunities to caregivers in our fostering community.
Programs & Services:
- On-going Training: opportunities for foster parents to enhance their skills and knowledge development.
- Peer Support Groups: opportunities for Foster Parents to network with one another.
- The Island Connection: a newsletter mailed directly to foster parents five times a year.
- Parenting Resource Library: this library consists of books, cassettes and videos available to foster parents. We focus on providing practical information and strategies to solve parenting problems, issues and concerns.
- Area Coordinators: to assist foster parents in obtaining current and accurate information and to provide support services including training, development and peer support.
- Investigation and Support Team Program: supports caregivers involved in investigation process.